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It’s mid-August, and I’m just finishing up a string of shows in/around Minneapolis. I was here in May, and I don’t recall the bumper-to-bumper traffic, and detour signs that have taken me miles out of my way this trip. Yesterday on the way out of town, I tried Matt’s – one of the more revered juicy-lucy spots in town. It’s a simple concoction – two hamburger patties with cheese in the middle. At Matt’s they add pickles and grilled onions. Insane. A few blocks down the street is the Midtown Global Food Market, which houses the Salty Tart Bakery, of which I am a frequent customer. I told the owner Michelle if she ever set-up shop in Chicago, it would make her an instant millionaire. Summers coming to an end, and it feels like its just getting started. My bike got stolen back in May, so it started-off on a sour note. Two highlights: Guns N Roses over the July 4th wknd – finally getting to see them after their show got cancelled in Tinley Park, circa 1991. They extended Lollapalooza to 4 days this year instead of 3, and I paid the price- I was sick for a good 10 days afterwards. Lana Del Ray, Radiohead, RHCP, and LCD Soundsystem were just some of the bands I saw.

I’ve been wanting to do something special for my late girlfriend, whom I called Peach, since she passed away on March 3rd, 2014. I’d emailed an organization called Hope For The Day – they focus on suicide and mental health education via self expression to achieve awareness, outreach, and prevention. One of the directors, Carl Evans reached out to me, and I pitched him my idea on doing a comedy show to raise money for the cause. With the help of some of my comedy pals, we put on a great show. I’m grateful I got the chance to do it – it was cathartic for me, given the depressed state I’ve been in ever since. I didn’t want her to be the focus of the event – she wouldn’t have liked that. The greater cause of suicide prevention was. She would’ve gotten a huge kick out of the poster below – which was a more subtle way to honor her. The peach is purposely drawn-out to look like a heart. Nice job Marylou Herrera !