The Perfect Day

I’m in Madison, Wisconsin–one of the most vibrant cities in the Midwest, for the first time since the Pandemic started. Madison is home to my favorite road-food spot of all-time: Paul’s Pel’Meni–Russian dumplings so addicting –I almost always stop for them when traveling through. If it wasn’t for the state of Wisconsin, I couldn’t beContinue reading…


As I got off the orange-line train to hop a plane to Austin, Texas, via Midway airport, Chicago’s second busiest airport, I’m reminded that after all these years, there’s still only one escalator connecting from the train-lines, and it only goes one way- up. Poor saps coming off their planes from around the world, tryingContinue reading…

Fallen Heroes

When I first heard that Anthony Bourdain had died, it brought back painful memories of my own experience with suicide, and the devastation it leaves behind. When I googled his wiki-page as I’m writing this blog, I discovered he was 17 days away from turning 62. I’m sure he was cognizant of that fact, butContinue reading…

Return of the Groundhog

Sorry for not writing sooner, but I’ve been extremely busy, even by my standards. One weekend that comes to mind, is my trip over Thanksgiving. I had a show at The Palms in Ft. Madison, Iowa, on the day before TG- sometimes called Black Wednesday. The next day, I stopped in again for a prettyContinue reading…

The Road That’s Home

It’s mid-summer, and I’m in my hotel room in Omaha, Nebraska trying to stay cool, and avoid the 95 degree weather outside. I learned a lot last night- mainly if you’re in cow country, don’t tell the crowd you feel bad for the cows. They will turn on you. Cows are big business in Nebraska,Continue reading…

CSI: Mankato

I woke-up in my hotel in Mankato, Minnesota, to get the standard breakfast fare, and discovered the elevator wasn’t working. Not only that, but any attempts to make it to the lobby were met by a Sheriff standing guard, telling me the hotel was now a crime scene. Apparently, someone had gotten killed, and thereContinue reading…

Blue October

The past 3 months have been exhilarating.  I got to perform for the US Army, at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri this summer. Built in 1940, and used primarily to train the Military Police-the base itself reminded me of the movie the Truman Show, where they built a mock-town to resemble the real thing. InContinue reading…


It’s mid-August, and I’m just finishing up a string of shows in/around Minneapolis. I was here in May, and I don’t recall the bumper-to-bumper traffic, and detour signs that have taken me miles out of my way this trip. Yesterday on the way out of town, I tried Matt’s – one of the more reveredContinue reading…


I’ve been reading the cartoon Blondie ever since I can remember. It’s written by Dean Young, and drawn by John Marshall. Dean inherited the cartoon in 1973 from his father Chic when he died, and it will be 86 years old this coming Fall. Something about the cartoon resonated with me, and I wanted toContinue reading…

Time For Change

I’ve done this before. Come back from a gig in Wisconsin, only to not have enough cash to stop at Speed Queen BBQ in Milwaukee. They don’t accept credit cards, and finding an ATM in Milwaukee can be like looking for a bar that sells Budweiser. So I had to use coins out of myContinue reading…